Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mushrooms Who Resembles a Zombie Hands [PIC]

The wealth of flora and fauna of the world who knows how many kinds of very broad diversity ranging from the ordinary to the rare even that has not been seen previously thought, like the following. has found a new species of fungi that have a latin name Clathrus Columnatus or also called the Octopus Stinkhorn and can also be referred to as "Deadman's Finger" we mean that literally as a Hand or a Hand Corpse Zombie, well how the form of this fungus?

Because its structure resembles a sponge, then these strange plants can be classified as part of the mold, the form of this fungus is very similar to the hands of the corpse, which seemed to be out of the burial plot, this is the reason why this fungus as a fungus called Zombie hand, there are other reasons why named like that, because the origin of plants (fungi) is a dormant seeds for many years in the manure compost.

This strange fungus is inviting the attention of people around because its a very foul smell like the smell of dead fish or dead rats.


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